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Denim's World Gallery of Photo's


Christmas 2018

Toys were provided for 328 children in the community as well as our adopted class room at Dewey Elementary School

       EASTER 2017

Denims World provide Easter       Baskets for 236 children

Denims World was instrumental in bringing the

Kids Wish Network to St. Louis where the provided toys for over 1500 children in the Dellwood community where Denims World is based.

5th Annual SistaStrut

Sista Strut is the largest walk of its kind in the nation to support women of color and most of all with an effort to support the community of St. Louis. All of the contributions raised for the excellent charities Sista Strut supports remain h and benefit women in St. Louis.

The goal of Sista Strut is to heighten awareness about the issues of breast cancer in women of color, as well as provide information on community resources. Studies show that African American women are more likely to get breast cancer at a younger age and have a death rate from breast cancer twice that of Caucasian women of the same age. Sista Strut recognizes the strength of survivors, their family and friends, heightens awareness, promotes early detection and the search for a cure.